Wireless Home Security Cameras

About wireless security cameras used for home security cameras,hidden cameras,digital video recorder,surveillance cameras and mini security cameras.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Leaving Your Kids Home Alone

It is a natural progression for children to eventually be left home alone. This can be difficult when to decide when that should happen and many factors such as age, maturity, and track record come into play. Generally this begins with school aged kids coming home before parents get back from work. Careful planning and consideration should be taken by parents when planning to leave kids home alone. Here are some questions to consider. Can your child follow rules even when you are not around? Are they responsible? Can they deal with emergencies? Will they need to take care of pets or younger siblings?

When you do take that step make your home a safe place for them to be. Is there anything in your home that would be harmful to them, such as guns, medicines, or alcohol? These things need to be safely locked up in a cabinet or safe.

Instruct them on what they need to know. Kids may not know how to deal with basic everyday situations such as answering the phone, what to say to strangers at the door, or who to call in case of an emergency. Establish and maintain ground rules. Rules will naturally change as kids grow up and become responsible. A basic safety rule children should know is to not let people they will be home alone.

Keep an eye on them. If they are at home alone for a few hours while you are at work you can keep an eye on them with in home security cameras. Setting up a network is relatively simple and inexpensive with technology currently available. Wireless security cameras can be placed easily in any area of your home. Most security camera packages support multi-channel video recording and internet access to feeds. Are there areas they should not be, such as your room? Setting up hidden cameras can help you establish trust with them. This way you will know if they are lying to you and whether or not to grant them more privileges. Other articles discuss how to select the right kind of wireless security cameras and how to set them up.

It may be easier on child and parent alike starting with small periods of time first and progressively lengthen the time as appropriate. With proper planning parents can feel confident their kids will be safe home alone while enjoying a night out without worry.

About the Author: Mike Ward is the owner and operator of Protection Depot, a leading online provider of wireless security cameras and hidden cameras. For more information about security cameras, please visit www.security-cams.com.

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Future Of Facial Recognition Technology Not Just for Security Cameras

Facial recognition technology has been around for a while, but is still in its infancy. Most digital cameras utilize a simple form of FRT. It is one thing for a camera to recognize a face is present in a photograph, yet a completely different thing to actually determine whose face that is. Some cell phones and computers use a simple form FRT as a security feature. Facial recognition technology has sweeping implications on how it could change the way everyone moves about and experiences the world.

Government and military security departments are pressing hard to move this technology forward. Those responsible for keeping airports, public transit, and events such as the Olympics safe from terrorist inflicted disasters really have had no way of checking everyone, but this could change everything. In the last 7 or 8 years of development this technology researchers have ironed out quite a few bugs in the system and continue they add capabilities, such as 3D modeling, texture analysis, and compensating for the effects aging. Combining this with improvements in networked digital surveillance cameras will eventually lead to safer transportation for everyone. Since wireless security cameras can be placed just about anywhere individuals can be screened from any angle or access point.

Proponents against FRT continually point to a handful of early studies the where the technology performed poorly and fears of false identifications. It is true that these early studies fared poorly, however much has been learned since and the data collected has helped researchers determine the weaknesses in the system. Every technology that has come to fruition from the light bulb to cell phones undergoes this cycle. The company Pixar originally marketed its high end imaging machines to government and medical institutions. Today and twenty-one academy awards later Pixar continues to bring us top notch animated films, such as Toy Story and Wall-E.

It is only a matter of time before FRT is integrated into systems other than security cameras. Imagine walking up to an ATM machine and it instantly recognizes you, or verifying a credit card purchase by simply smiling for the camera. Arguing that this technology is not feasible is comparable to naysayer discussions during the early years of computing. Remember computers used to take up entire buildings and could only perform the simplest of tasks. Back then many people questioned the value the technology could add to society and many people were even fearful. Now we can scarcely imagine how people lived without them.

About the Author: Mike Ward is the owner and operator of Protection Depot, a leading online provider of wireless security cameras and surveillance cameras. For more information about security cameras, please visit www.security-cams.com.

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Crouching Tiger Hidden Camera

Hidden cameras to capture amazing photos of wildlife in their natural habitat is not a new concept, but has definitely been on the rise as the technology improves and researchers better understand how best to implement it.

Scientists have greatly increased their efficiency in the painstaking labor of cataloguing exactly what species of animals reside in a given region, as well as document behaviors of the animals that would be impossible to observe directly. This is done by setting up a grid pattern of camera sites covering various habitat types and camera angles in each region. Photos are triggered by infrared sensors allowing researchers to track groups of animals can be tracked as they move through the matrix. Evidence of rare species can be used to fight for conservation of dwindling habitat. In some cases several years may pass between sightings of endangered species may making them even more valuable. Sumatran Tiger, African Elephant, and the Rhinoceros are just a few examples of the hundreds on the endangered species list.

These types of hidden cameras are referred to as deercams or camera traps and are also used by hunters to see what types of animals are in a region and what size antlers bucks have. Digital versions are not unlike standard wireless security cameras, but are disguised to look like nature. Animals do not always appreciate camera flashes and sometimes a grumpy bear or irritable tiger will attack camera trap setups. Some scientists have even gone as far as rigging camera setups on the animals.

The photos obtained create an important bridge in educating the public. Humans are visual creatures, and children especially connect stunning images and develop a sense of the natural word in a day and age where everything seems to be force fed via television and computer screens. Hidden camera wildlife photography is certain to inspire the next generation of scientists and discoveries, as well as foster individual creativity and broaden worldviews by providing a fascinating glimpse of rarely seen creatures.

The award winning photography of Michael “Nick” Nichols, and his work on “The Last Place on Earth”, is a fantastic example of how a combination of hidden camera traps and standard photography can be used to tell a story. Mike and his team spent 2 years traveling over 2000 miles through Congo rainforests documenting wildlife and natives in the region producing breathtaking images. Some of best images can be seen on his website are of charging elephants, a wide eyed mandrills reaching for a camera trap, and Babenzele children.

About the Author: Mike Ward is the owner and operator of Protection Depot, a leading online provider of wireless security cameras and hidden cameras. For more information about security cameras, please visit www.security-cams.com.

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Hidden Camera Laws

If you are planning to install a surveillance system in your home or business it is wise to examine your states privacy laws and consider areas where you may be in violation, which could result in hefty fines and/or a jail sentence. It is unlawful to install covert or hidden security cameras in areas considered to be a private place.

United States privacy laws define a private place as somewhere one can be assume to be safe from unauthorized surveillance. This includes areas such as locker rooms, changing stalls, bathrooms, bedrooms and hotel rooms. This means that you cannot install hidden security cameras or listening devices in these areas without prior written permission from the individual. State laws regarding security cameras are not uniform across the board. Only a small number of them have statutes regarding hidden camera installation. They are Alabama, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, South Dakota, and Utah.

In most cases evidence gathered using hidden video cameras will still be admissible in a court of law if a crime is committed whether permission was granted or not. While it may be illegal to install a security camera in a retail store dressing room, footage capturing shoplifters in these areas is still often used to prosecute criminals. The two circumstances covert observation is considered illegal are when the owner of the premises has not authorized observation, or the recorded video/audio is used for illegal means.

Privacy law and the use of hidden security cameras is currently an area of major controversy. This technology has improved rapidly over the last 10 years and laws are still being developed to deal with its implementation. Tools that were once only available to high end law enforcement and government spies can now be purchased by anyone. A fully functional wireless security camera setup including transmitter, receiver, or built in data storage can be purchased for as little as $50. This double edged sword has allowed individuals and business a sense of security previously unattainable, but the easy installation of wireless security cameras has also given way to significant abuses. Research has shown that even a large portion of lawful security cameras are regularly used for voyeuristic purposes.

Unfortunately they way it sits right now there is very little that can be done to prevent people from installing illegal spy camera. As a business or homeowner you can keep yourself out of trouble by checking your state laws or consulting a private investigator or lawyer about your security system setup.

About the Author: Mike Ward is the owner and operator of Protection Depot, a leading online provider of wireless security cameras and hidden cameras. For more information about security cameras, please visit www.security-cams.com.

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Maritime Surveillance and Underwater Security Cameras

Global terrorist activity is on the rise and new techniques and tactics must be developed to address maritime security risks. The main threat facing maritime facilities is frogman attack. What is a frogman attack? One example is where a team of divers quietly swims into an enemy harbor carrying explosives to blow up navy ships, cargo vessels, or port facilities, such as fuel tanks or loading docks. Navy Seals and other combat divers have used clandestine attacks such as these for years. Shipping Ports, drilling platforms, and military Navy vessels are just a few of the potential targets that need to be protected.

Today maritime security is conducted mainly by military coastguards and private security firms. They utilize a wide array of techniques and new technologies to ensure everything runs smoothly and safely. Special sonar and imaging devices mounted to ships or submersible vehicles can monitor render 3D models in real-time of surrounding waters. Another use is to examine incoming ship hulls for explosive devices or sea mines.

Like most security systems, wired and wireless security cameras are a key component. Underwater cameras provide a clear picture of what is going on under the water. These cameras have all the capabilities of regular security cameras available to the public, but are equipped with special lasers that amplify underwater imaging quality. Hidden cameras can be customized with a wide range of lens types and operate in extremely low light conditions. These hidden cameras are often placed critical facilities that need to be closely monitored.

Underwater sea nets are used to keep threats from getting near specific targets. These nets are made of rigid stainless steel cabling. They can be anchored and held in place. These nets are currently deployed in ports and strategic locations around the globe and are a major component in protecting harbors and oil drilling platforms with a low cost to benefit ratio. If an attacking frogman tries to clip the net fiber optic wiring inside the steel cables can locate the exact location of the interdiction with 100% accuracy. Security authorities and rapid response teams will then be immediately notified to deploy countermeasures.

Another powerful remotely operated weapon in the arsenal against frogman terrorist attacks are sonic shock wave emitters. These emit a sonic signal that can be modulated to caution, stun, or even kill approaching divers. Loudhailers like this can deal with identified threats instantly.

These are just a few tools available to those conducting maritime security operations, but coordinating everything is the real challenge. Whether it is a wireless security camera, combat patrol boat, or a remotely operated submarine everything must work together seamlessly if success is to be achieved.

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